Monday, February 13, 2012

Flashback to APS 2011

As we approach the 2012 APS conference, we thought we take a moment to reminisce about the 2011 APS conference, in Washington DC. The Association for Psychological Science is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of scientific psychology and its representation at the national and international level. They hold an annual national conference, which the BYUH psychology department has been a part the last several years. In 2011, we presented seven poster projects, with topics ranging from counseling, evolutionary theory, mathematical education, behavioral, etc. The group had lots of fun and met professors and students from prestigious universities from around the world.

This year, at the 2012 conference, the BYUH psychology department has submitted six  projects, and an additional five projects have been submitted by individual students - Jason Murphy, Taylor Smart, Izak Rock, Alexa Tuita, and Nathan Haws. The conference will be held in Chicago, IL from May 24th through the 27th.